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Gain Exclusive Access to Diverse Female Talent

The exclusive talent pool at Her Competitive Advantage is made up of current and former Collegiate Female Athletes: a group of women who are driven, resilient, coachable, great leaders, team players, and always all-in. 


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Where potential meets opportunity.

Why You Might Be Struggling to Hire Current and Former Collegiate Female Athletes

Currently, employers are "fishing in the wrong pond" at the wrong time.


Spending your time recruiting at local universities despite 80% of collegiate female athletes attending college outside of their home state.

Career Services

Leveraging career services at local universities despite a very small number of collegiate female athletes actually utilizing their career services. 


Recruiting collegiate female athletes when they still haven't decided whether or not they are going to play a 5th year, play professionally, get a Master's Degree, etc...

Create a Strong, Diverse Team with HCA


of female executives played competitive sports

HCA is a female owned business, working with companies and thought leaders to leverage sports to drive gender equity and pay parity across all industries.



Less than

of C-Suite positions are held by women.


Women remain underrepresented across the corporate ladder. The pipeline narrows and the gap widens at every increasing level, with the largest gap happening in the C-suite.

* Statistics based on 2021 Equilar analysis

"Success in the business world demands a level of intensity and competition that is uniquely learned through sports."

Gender equity improves the bottom line.

The research and evidence is clear: Empowering women, as employees and consumers, and increasing gender diversity within a company leads to better business and economic outcomes through increased profitability, productivity, and company effectiveness. 





Organizations that prioritize diversity and inclusion in leadership experience a 15% boost in employee engagement and productivity.



Having gender diversity at the executive level is linked to a 21% increase in profitability.

* Source: Market Splash

By investing in female athletes today, we're building the leaders of tomorrow.

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